Tanzania: November 23 to December 2/6, 2024
Solidarity Run Against Gender-Based Violence

Solidarity Run Against Gender-Based Violence

November 23 to December 2/6, 2024

Múltíkúltí Travel organizes a trip from November 23 to December 2/6 to Kenya (Nairobi and Kisumu) and Tanzania (Mwanza) and optional Zanzibar. The main purpose of the trip is to participate in the Solidarity Run against Gender-Based Violence.*

The run is also part of the World March for Peace and Non-Violence (https://en.theworldmarch.org/) which will take place in Africa around the same time.

The run will be 5 km long and is open to both beginners and more experienced runners, as participants can choose to run, jog, or walk the distances.

Participants on the trip can choose to run/walk one, two, or all of the runs, as the cheering team is just as important.

*The International Days for the Elimination of Gender-Based Violence take place annually from November 25 to December 10 (https://www.who.int/campaigns/16-days-of-activism-against-gender-based-violence).


  • November 23: Fly from Iceland to Nairobi, Kenya.

  • November 24-25: Explore Nairobi: Karen Blixen Museum, Maasai Market, etc.

  • November 26: 5 km run against gender-based violence in Nairobi with Kenyan women.

  • November 27: Drive from Nairobi to Kisumu by bus, passing through the beautiful tea-growing regions of western Kenya in the Rift Valley.

  • November 28: 5 km run against gender-based violence in Kisumu with Kenyan women. After the run, drive to the Kenya-Tanzania border and stay overnight at the border.

  • November 29: Drive to Mwanza and stay at a beautiful hotel on Lake Victoria.

  • November 30: 5 km run against gender-based violence with Tanzanian women (and possibly Kenyan women).

  • December 1: Relax in Mwanza, with options to explore the city or visit Saanane Island, a small national park near Mwanza.

  • December 2 (Option A): Fly back to Nairobi and then return home. Or:

  • Option B: Fly to Zanzibar and relax for four nights, then fly home on December 6 with a layover in Nairobi.

Run Organizers:

For the Icelandic group: Sigríður Bylgja Sigurjónsdóttir, Pioner and founder of the Tree of Life.

For the Kenyan group: Tracey Kadada, aktívisti og tónlistarkona.

For the Tanzanian group: Balbina Andrew, framkvæmdastjóri Nourish Africa.

Price A: ISK 341,000 (based on 2 people per room) Price B: ISK 439,000 (based on 2 people per room)


  • All flights to and from Iceland and Mwanza to Nairobi (or Zanzibar-Nairobi).

  • All accommodation.

  • Breakfast at hotels.

  • Participation in the runs and a marked t-shirt.

  • All transportation as per the trip itinerary.

  • Guidance and organization during the trip.

  • Visa fees.

  • A portion of the price goes to organizations in Kenya, Tanzania, and Iceland (Women's Shelter) that fight against gender-based violence.

Not included:

  • Vaccinations

  • Special travel and luggage insurance

  • Hotel expenses, such as laundry, minibar, phone calls, etc.

For more information, contact: multiferdir@gmail.com Phone: 8996570