Solidarity Run Against Gender-Based Violence

The Solidarity Run Against Gender Based Violence is a an initiative born from the cooperation of Friends of Kenya and Tanzania in Iceland and Hakizetu-organisation in Mwanza. One of the main tasks of Hakizetu is to raise awareness about Gender Based Violence and the idea was to invite Icelandic women to come and run with Tanzanian women in a symbolic run to bring attention to this important cause, taking place in the International days against gender-based violence that are annually from 25 November to 10 December (

Those days also coincide with a bigger humanist initiative: The World March for Peace and Non-Violence ( which takes place in Africa at same time.

Since that time, several other organizations have expressed interest in participating in the project, leading to a plan of doing the run, not only in Mwanza, but in Nairobi and Kisumu in Kenya as well and to finish in Iceland.

The main races will be 5 km, but with easier options suitable for both beginners and advanced runners, as it is assumed that the distances can be run or walked. Participants in the trip can choose to run/walk one, two or all of the races, as the cheer team is no less important.

The scheduled dates for the runs are as follows:

Nairobi: November 26th.

Kisumu: November 28th.

Mwanza: November 30th.

Reykjavik: December 10th.

Race directors:

For the Icelandic group:

Sigríður Bylgja Sigurjónsdóttir,

entrepreneur and founder of the Tree of Life.

For the Kenyan group:

Tracey Kada, Activist and Musician

For the Tanzanian group:

Balbina Andrew,

Excecutive Director, Nourish Africe

The following organisations are partners* to this initiative (Still more to be added):


Múltikúlti Volunteers Center
Friends of Kenya and Tanzania


Tegla Lourupe Peace Foundation
Community Engage nairobi
Praise Liberation Ministries
Waste Free 23 Ngong
Tracey Kadada Empowerment Community Based Tana Delta
Peace Building Tana River
Manyatta Youth Resource Center
Emmanuel Football Team Rwanda


Nourish Africa
Women Action on Eco Health
and Legal Rights
Tawawami Children Project
Tuungane Survivors Women Group

*Being a partner in the initiative involves contributing something to it; organization, advertising, sending participants and other beneficial things.

To become a partner, please contact:


WhatsApp: +354 8996570